What is chamber?
Chambers of Commerce, such as the iLembe Chamber, exists exclusively for the benefit of business – they aim to energise, protect and promote local business communities. It encourages responsible business practices and assist local business owners in growing their businesses, amongst others through business linkages and connections.
The iLembe Chamber lobby and advocates for public policies that will foster a strong, competitive economic environment that benefits businesses, communities and families across the iLembe District.
The Chamber is a membership organisation, where membership fees contribute significantly to the financial viability of the Chamber, allowing it the capability and capacity to professionally represent the private sector. Equally important though is that the extent of membership levels authenticates the iLembe Chamber’s claim of being truly representative of the wider business community in the iLembe District, allowing us to represent the private sector as a partner in our regional economy.
In a nutshell, the iLembe Chamber is there to represent you, get your name out there, create opportunities for business linkages, provide your business with a sense of authority and credibility, enabling you to be a responsible employer – in the most affordable way.
• Help grow and strengthen local business
• Bridge the gaps between the first and second economies
• Provide a platform for business linkages and business opportunities
Benefits of Membership:
• Give your business credibility and also the opportunity to leverage your influence by belonging to an internationally recognized organization.
• Networking Platforms that link you to other like minded business people
• Platforms and opportunities for you to market your business, product or service
• Business linkages and exposure to business opportunities
• Access to relevant information that impacts your business
• 15% Off Advertising to Chamber Members only with The Northcoast Courier
• 15% Off Advertising to Chamber Members only with Famous Publishing in your choice of The Ridge, The Crest and Business in Durban.
• Free Membership to the National Small Business Chamber
• 2 Free Hours of Chamber Boardroom Venue Hire
Membership Options
There are two membership options which are dependant on the nature of your organisation.
1. Business Memberships
This is applicable to any business enterprises with one or more employees and where the enterprise trades or pursues business within the iLembe district and its surrounding area.
2. Network Membership
This is applicable to any public benefit, non-profit, non-government or education group.